25 February, 2012


Today is a bit of a depressed day.

38 C (100F)

Kitchen a mess even though I've spent the last 3 days cleaning it.

No energy to clean said mess.

Then I got grumpy at my poor husband

At least I did Yoga today, that was good.

I did Yoga 5 hours ago and am still in my yoga pants and haven't showered. Never mind though, I did yoga.

here's a picture that is a bit happier than me:

that's a Shrek doll one of the ladies I work with dresses up like a baby and puts in the shopping trolley. Makes me so happy every time.

20 February, 2012


Well, seems like I haven't posted for a while. Maybe I'll give this another try.

I want to take this in a new direction: I want to talk about how I'm redefining my view of what life is supposed to look like. I'm learning to love my roots but not be defined by them, to figure out exactly who I am. It's taken a long time and I've felt really beaten down a lot, but I feel ready to start again, I guess.

A lot of that will be just daily stuff - I want to share how I'm getting into gardening, chicken-rearing, cooking, knitting and all sorts of things. And I might share how I'm figuring out how to be real with myself, other people, and my spirituality. We'll see where it goes.